Today, Thursday, October 24, we’re celebrating World United Nations Day!
Since 2012, the ATALIAN Group has been a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact, pledging to respect and promote 10 universal principles in the fields of human rights, labor standards, environment and anti-corruption.
This commitment is reflected in our IMPACTS CSR roadmap, which puts social, environmental, diversity and inclusion at the heart of our actions. Through our initiatives, we work every day for a more sustainable and responsible future.
❝ Our membership of the United Nations Global Compact is both a commitment and a responsibility on all CSR issues. Thanks to the support of the Global Compact Network France, we are constantly working around the 9 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant for our business. Being a member is also a responsibility that we assume collectively within the ATALIAN Group, ensuring that our business model and our actions are aligned with universal principles and will result in a concrete and sustainable impact. ❞
Alexandra FICHELSON, CSR Director