Building Effective Safety Teams (B.E.S.T.™) creates a win/win environment that empowers teams to collaborate with supervisors and managers toward common Company, Quality Service, Safety, and Performance Goals.
The B.E.S.T.™ program has experienced exciting and measurable results utilizing behavior-based methodologies including safety education and awareness, quality assurance, and continuous improvement measures to ensure compliance with OSHA guidelines. This provides a safe work environment that not only promotes quality productivity but also expresses to employees, visitors, and the community that quality and safety are core values and priorities at Atalian Global Services, US.
Pace and 6S
Our company focus on quality and safety is a key performance measurement that is a continuous improvement process. Just as a race is won with concentration and steady pace, our B.E.S.T.™ program allows us to move with steady continuous improvement through PACE [Proactive, Accountable, Collaborative, Effective].
The 6S Management System focuses on having visual order, organization, and cleanliness standardization. The results you can expect from a 6S program are: Improved Profitability, Efficiency, Quality Service, Safety, and Team Participation.