At ATALIAN we are determined to communicate on our CSR practices in the most transparent way. Since 2012 we have published a sustainable development report each year. As a member of the UN Global Compact we publish our Communication on Progress once a year to demonstrate our CSR progress. Moreover, as a premium member of the EcoVadis CSR platform, ATALIAN has is audited each year on its CSR practices and activities.
As a member of the UN Global Compact, ATALIAN is obliged to submit its Communication on Progress in the areas of Human Rights, Labour, the Environment and Anti-corruption each year.
This report describes the practical actions taken to implement the ten principles of the UN Global Compact.
ATALIAN has been a premium member of the EcoVadis platform since 2013.
EcoVadis developed a reliable, global and easy-to-use supplier CSR rating that helps organisations to manage risk and foster Eco-innovations. Its goal is to facilitate the integration of sustainability criteria in customer/supplier relationships.
ATALIAN previously won the EcoVadis Silver Medal for two years running (2014 & 2015).
For 2016, ATALIAN is proud to announce that it has been awarded the Gold Medal for its diligence and commitment to responsible procurement practices for the entire scope of the Group
ATALIAN’s cleaning subsidiary EPPSI – operating in transport networks – also won a gold medal for the entire scope of its activities.
These distinctions demonstrate the commitment and maturity of ATALIAN’s CSR policy.
Each year ATALIAN participates in the European Week for Sustainable Development;
a European wide initiative that aims to encourage and make visible activities, projects and events that are in favour of sustainable development. ATALIAN’s QHSE teams generally set-up awareness raising stands at the sites of clients who are willing.
The stands revolve around the 4 following themes:
materials, products, consumables and human resource management. The objective is to tangibly demonstrate the Group’s actions and practices in terms of sustainable development for its clients.